Monday, March 9, 2015

Baby Ghosts Isn't a Metal Band But That's OK

I fully admit to clicking on this album very late at night—possibly under the influence—pretty much just because I wanted to hear what  metal album with an adorable cat and black metal typography on the cover would sound like. Well, it turned out to be not very metal at all*. Baby Ghosts (that should have been a clue) are actually a pop punk band from Salt Lake City and while they are not brutal, they are nonetheless emotionally devastating in their own way.

Please don't mistake my use of the term "pop punk" to mean the MTV variety that dominated American teenery in the early 2000s. This is real punk, just overlaid with extremely melodic yet tasteful vocal harmonies that come across not as whiny or adolescent, but emotionally sincere.

Maybe Ghosts is what hooked me, especially the opening track especially "Ghost Boyfriend," with it's fabulous vocal interplay, but pretty much any of their releases are worth a listen, especially Let's Always Hang Out Together, Okay? Recommended for fans of good jams.

*If we're being real and acknowledging that punk and black metal and My Bloody Valentine are all one shimmery and indescribable entity these days and maybe always have been, then yeah, Baby Ghosts might be a little bit metal.

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